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🕛🕧 (twelve-twelve-thirty)


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In this site-specific, 360-video live performance experiment, viewers experience the piece from their first-person vantage point in the hands and subjectivity of someone who awakens in unusual surroundings, encounters others, and searches for a way out.

The live-streaming video was recorded by a 360-video camera hidden in a bouquet of flowers held by the central character as they moved through various rooms in The Museum of Human Achievement. The piece was live-streamed to YouTube as a 20-minute piece in the Online Performance Art Festival and later edited down as a 5-minute VR offering in IRL at The Museum of Human Achievement’s Spam’s the Internet: The Restaurant project at Fusebox Festival.

• Improvisational Score by Erica “EG” Gionfriddo
• Music by Eliot Gray Fisher and Brandon Guerra
• Performed by Alexa Capareda, Erica “EG” Gionfriddo, Katie Hopkins, Alyssa Johnson, Taryn Lavery, Hailley Laurèn, Felicia McBride, Sarah Navarrete

- Fusebox Festival: Museum of Human Achievement, Spam’s The Internet: The Restaurant, 🕛🕧 (twelve-twelve-thirty), 5-minute 360-video, Austin TX, April 2017

- Online Performance Art Festival, 🕛🕧 (twelve-twelve-thirty), 20-minute livestreamed 360-video performance, online and Belgrade, Serbia, October 20, 2016